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  • Writer's pictureJulia Zanzot

Curated Collection / AUTUMN 2020

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

Introducing my latest attempt at continually curating images and aesthetics to match the seasons, moods, and inspiration of the moment. At a time when the world often seems bleak or intimidating to not just myself but so many others (thanks, COVID, really!), I hope this gives you some happy thoughts or a burst of your own creative musings. I'll be updating this as frequently as I visit my Pinterest boards - hopefully, a lot! I'm viewing this as an outlet to continually push myself towards getting back to my own creative interests, as I've been yearning for an escape of sorts during this weird/paused time in life.

Enjoy! Check out my Pinterest for more inspiration and other creative boards I've assembled!

The Curated Collection / AUTUMN '20 PLAYLIST

As a part of Gen Z/ Millennial/who the heck knows since everyone says something different generation...Spotify is a constantly open tab on my phone, my computer, my apple watch, the works. As a longtime Spotify user one of my favorite things to do is go back and listen to old playlists - as a time machine to that very time, what I was doing and how I felt in that instant in time. My Type-A-ness is revealed in my personal playlists - organized down to the season and year in which I made it. I'm very much a seasons person, for as each season progresses throughout the year I find myself tapping into different parts of myself - shedding or adding layers just as my clothes on the outside.

And now, as it is officially autumn, a new playlist has been made. Fall is my favorite season of all - courtesy of the brilliant colors of the changing leaves, the cozy sweaters, home cooked, warm meals and movie nights galore. So, as in previous years, this curated Autumn '20 playlist aims to reflect that very mood in songs that tug at the heart strings or illicit a sense of home, or even of adventures to come.

The Curated Collection / BOOKS OF NOTE

With an increasingly overwhelming amount of time on my hands this year, I seized the opportunity to jump right back in to an old hobby that had faltered over the years thanks to never ending reading lists for high school/college classes and a slew of (extra) extra-curricular activities. When I was young I was always the girl with her nose in a book. The one with the highest AR level (ok is it lame that I'm still proud of that?!) and her highest accomplishment of reading all 7 Harry Potter novels in a month's time.

Now, 15 years later(?) and a college diploma sitting in my room, it was time to get back to it! It's almost October and I have read 23 books in 2020 - a silver lining of this uncertain and often anxiety-producing year! Here's a list of some of my recent favorites and the ones I'll be picking up next:


  • Five Years Later, Rebecca Serle

  • The Secrets We Kept, Lara Prescott

  • Homegoing, Yaa Gyasi

  • The Color of Law, Richard Rothstein


  • Hannah's War, Jan Eliasberg

  • Swimming Lessons, Claire Fuller


  • The Guest List, Lucy Foley

  • American Spy, Lauren Wilkinson

  • Between The World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates

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